
Suggest a feature or stay on top of what we are working on.


Download Invoices

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Clients can see their payments through the Payments page in a table though it would be useful if they could view/download the invoice/receipt from this table. I believe this can be pulled directly from the payment provider responsible for the payment? More remarks: I would suggest instead generating a PDF from the client's payment data and adding a configuration menu to customize the issued invoices (prefix, invoice number, autoincrement invoice nb, legal mentions in the footer, SaaS contact information, logo). The invoice should be available to the client and from the admin panel.


Coming soon page

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Add a coming soon page as a pre-launch to be used to collect email addresses from interested users.


Combine login/signup & checkout page

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Combine the login/signup along with checkout page in order to streamline the checkout more.


ReCaptcha integration

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Integrate captcha into signup/login to avoid malicious actor


User impersonation

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

The ability to 'Login as client' / 'Impersonate user' for troubleshooting/debugging a specific account.


Add component to display single purchase products

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Just like the component to display plans, add a component to display single purchase products


Support for multiple active subscriptions

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Add support for multiple active subscriptions


Use Pint for PHP code style

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature


Filter orders by their status

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

It would be cool to be able to filter orders by their status, similarly to how now we filter roadmap by status e.g. active or done, so orders could also be filterable by e.g., success, pending etc.


Support multiple subscriptions per account

✅ Completed 🏅 Feature

Ability for users to subscribe to multiple plans each being isolated from one another, with the ability to toggle between the 'active'/'in view' company/project. For example: client subscribes to a service for company A & company B. The client can then toggle between each company using the top right account drop down menu: Name/My Account -- Company A Company B -- Light/Dark Mode -- Sign out