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Payment Webhooks

Stripe Webhooksโ€‹

To receive payment webhooks while developing your SaaS application locally, you can use the Stripe CLI to forward webhooks to your local server.

Once you have the Stripe CLI installed, you can run the following command to forward webhooks to your local server:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8080/api/payments-providers/stripe/webhook --skip-verify

Make sure to change localhost:8080 to your local server address if you use a different port.

Paddle Webhooks & Lemon Squeezyโ€‹

The docker-compose setup that comes with SaaSykit includes an ngrok container that you can use to forward webhooks to your local server.

To configure the ngrok container, you will need to set the NGROK_AUTHTOKEN environment variable in the .env file to your ngrok auth token.

You can also set the NGROK_STATIC_DOMAIN environment variable to your ngrok static domain if you have one.

To get your ngrok auth token, you can sign up for an account at

Once you have configured the ngrok container, you will need to set up the Paddle or Lemon Squeezy notification destination to the ngrok URL (in your sandbox account).

To get the ngrok URL, open your http://localhost:4040 in your browser and copy the URL from the ngrok dashboard.

Follow the instructions in Paddle documentation or Lemon Squeezy documentation to set up the webhook URL.