Product Launch Check List
SaaSykit is all about launching your product fast and not reinventing the wheel. We have created a checklist of accounts to create and things to do to get your product launched as fast as possible.
Accounts to createโ
- Buy your domain name. Namecheap.
- (Optional) Consider using a CDN for your assets and better DDOS attack prevention. Cloudflare. Create an account and add your domain to it.
- Get a server to host your app. DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, Google Cloud, Hetzner, etc.
- Choose a payment provider and create an account and get it activated. Stripe and/or Paddle.
- Choose an email provider and create an account and get it ready. Mailgun or Amazon SES or Postmark.
- If you plan to support OAuth login, such as login with Google, Facebook, etc, create accounts for each of them.
- Create a Google Analytics account if you prefer to use Google Analytics to track your website traffic.
- Create a support email address, such as
[email protected]
to receive support emails from your customers (you can set this up later in email settings). You can do that completely free using Zoho Mail or Google Workspace, or you can choose a bit more involved setup with if you really wanna create unlimited email addresses for your domain using this guide.
Things to doโ
- Adjust your branding & logo & social sharing cards.
- Configure your error page.
- Configure your payment providers.
- Configure your email providers.
- Configure your login providers.
- Adjust application settings.
- Setup your plans & products.
- Manage your users.
- Adjust your terms of service and privacy policy to reflect your product.
That's it! Implement your product on top of SaaSykit and you're ready to launch! ๐
Other things to consider:โ
- Submit your product Sitemap to Google Search Console.
- Set up an uptime monitoring using a service like UptimeRobot, StatusCake, or Pingdom, etc
- Set up an error logging service like Sentry, Rollbar, or Bugsnag.
- Implement a backup strategy for your database and files. (You can use Laravel Backup package for this).
- Set up a performance monitoring service like New Relic, Datadog, or AppDynamics.
- Add a live chat using or Crisp.