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Button Link

A button link is a link that looks like a button. It is used to link to other pages or resources.

Button link


<x-button-link.primary href="{{ route('home') }}" class="my-6 mx-auto inline-block">
{{ __('Home') }}

You can pass in extra classes to the button link component to customize it's look and feel.

The button link component accepts the following attributes:

  • href - the link to the page or resource.
  • class - the extra classes to customize the look and feel of the button link.
  • hoverEffect - whether to show the hover effect or not. This is used to determine if the button link should show the hover effect or not.
  • elementType - the element type to use for the button link. This is used to determine the element type to use for the button link. The default is a, but you can use button if you want to use a button element instead.


The button link component comes in the following variants:


Primary button links use the primary color bg-primary-500 (TailwindCSS color class).

<x-button-link.primary href="{{ route('home') }}" class="my-6 mx-auto inline-block">
{{ __('Home') }}


Secondary button links use the secondary color bg-secondary-500

<x-button-link.secondary href="{{ route('home') }}" class="my-6 mx-auto inline-block">
{{ __('Home') }}


Outline button links use the outline color border-primary-500 text-primary-500

Button link
<x-button-link.primary-outline href="" class="my-6 mx-auto inline-block">
{{ __('Watch Video') }}

Glowing (Primary)โ€‹

Glowing button links use the glowing effect (with the primary color). They are used to draw attention, best used for call to actions.

glowing primary button
<x-button-link.glowing.primary href="#">
{{ __('Buy SaaSykit Now') }}

Glowing (Secondary)โ€‹

Glowing button links use the glowing effect (with the secondary color). They are used to draw attention, best used for call to actions.

glowing primary button
<x-button-link.glowing.secondary href="#">
{{ __('Buy SaaSykit Now') }}

Glowing (Outline)โ€‹

This variant of the glowing button link comes with an outline glow effect. It is used to draw attention, but less prominent than the glowing button links above.

glowing outline button
<x-button-link.glowing-outline href="" class="mt-16">
{{ __('Buy SaaSykit Now') }}