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The Products component allows you to display One-Time purchase products for your users to nuy them.

This component is reads all the data that you entered about your product in the Admin Panel and displays it in beautiful widget, so you can easily show your users what you have to offer, and you can change the data in the Admin Panel without having to touch the code.



< slug="lemon">
<x:slot name="extraDescription">
<p class="mt-4 text-xs">
{{ __('Try before you commit.') }}

That's all you need to display your product.

The component accepts the following parameters:

  • slug: The slug of the product to display (you can get that from Admin Panel).

You can also use the extraDescription slot to add extra content to the product widget that will be displayed below the buy button.

Frequently Asked Questionsโ€‹

My product is not appearing in the component, what's wrong?โ€‹

Make sure that the product is active on the admin panel, and that it has a price with the currency set to the Default Currency that you defined on the settings page.