๐๏ธ Intro
SaaSykit comes with a huge, ever-growing list of reusable blade components that can make your live easier while developing your next SaaS application.
๐๏ธ Accordion
The accordion component allows you to display much information in a smaller place using collapsible spaces.
๐๏ธ Blog Post Card
The blog post card component is used to display a blog post in a card format.
๐๏ธ Blog Post
The blog post component is used to display a blog post.
๐๏ธ Button Link
A button link is a link that looks like a button. It is used to link to other pages or resources.
๐๏ธ Effects
2 items
๐๏ธ Headings
Headings are used to display titles and subtitles in your pages.
๐๏ธ Hero
The hero component is used to display a hero section in your pages.
๐๏ธ Icon Strip
The icon strip component is used to display a strip of icons.
๐๏ธ Layouts
SaaSykit comes with a few layout templates that you can use to build your pages.
๐๏ธ Site Navigation
Site navigation displays the main navigation of your site. It offers a responsive menu for mobile devices and a full navigation for desktop devices.
๐๏ธ Outro (Call to action)
The Outro component is used to display the outro section in your pages (or any highlighted section) on your pages.
๐๏ธ Pill
The pill component is used to display a pill on your pages. It is used to display a small piece of information, like a tag, or a label.
๐๏ธ Plans
The Plans component is used to display the plans that you offer on your site.
๐๏ธ Products
Display one product
๐๏ธ Tab Slider
A tab slider component is used to display a multi-tab section.
๐๏ธ Testimonial
The testimonial component is used to display testimonials from your customers on your site.
๐๏ธ User Ratings
The user-ratings component is used to display ratings from your customers on your site.